Shame, Shame, Shame


I’m going to pretend for a moment that I have dedicated readers or a following of any sort on here and say that I’m sorry. While I adored my last Taylor Swift-related post I didn’t mean for it to be my last. I never meant to take a month-long break, but it just sort of happened.

I’ve been working on a bunch of cool projects (which are all in various stages of completion) and working a freelance gig while I search for a job (all while still working my old retail gig on the weekends.) It’s a lot, to say the least, and I feel bad that this blog has fallen by the wayside.

I’ve got about 20 half-written articles and posts that I’m really stoked on, but I just haven’t found the time to carry them across the finish line. Some of them are now horribly outdated (song of the summer anyone?) but I’m still going to make an effort to post here more regularly, especially with the holidays upon us and all the traditions that brings.

So if you care, sorry. I’m still here cooking up cool stuff and writing a lot, but just not as much on this blog. I will have some stuff soon, but at this point, it’s more about time than anything else.

Love ya