Celebrating One Decade Of Last.fm

10 year album collage w: no labels.jpeg

As of today, my last.fm account is ten years old. I would never have guessed that an offhand suggestion from one of my high school classmates would shape my musical history so radically.

I’m not one of the people who are obsessed with getting the most plays, but what I am obsessed with is accuracy. This website has been an amazing tool to crystalize my listening habits and musical discoveries. The ability to look back at ten years of my music habits and see exactly what I was listening to on a specific day is still kind of mind-blowing to me.

This account begins with my last year of high school, stretches through college, and now four years of “adult” life. I can look back at this and see distinct phases, moods, and discoveries I’ve made, and as a music nerd, that is absolutely invaluable.

There’s no real point to this post other than to celebrate ten years of being an unabashed music dork. Last.fm has forever changed the way I interact with music, and I love it for that.